The Pregnancy

2012 January

Created by Philip 11 years ago
Victoria was at the hospital in pain, approximately 5 weeks pregnant. We were thinking it was eptoptic and possible termination was high in our thoughts. However, after a long wait, Victoria was told it was twins, and all seemed well! We had some complications in the first 18 weeks, but nothing that seemed to overly concern the hospital. We found out that Isaac had a significant heart defect at the 20 week scan. We were referred for several more scans, all of which confirmed the diagnosis of Hypoplastic Left Heart syndrome. Although the Consultant Fetal Cardiologist put Isaac’s diagnosis very blatantly, it took a long time to sink in. Over the following 17 weeks we researched the diagnosis, and desperately searched for a way to help him. We were told that Isaac’s only chance of survival would be if he were fit enough for several operations, all with a poor success rate. He would need to be full term in gestation (37 weeks for twins), be big, and have a heart capable of undergoing the complexity of the open-heart surgery. We were also told that Isaac’s condition meant there was a good chance he may not survive the pregnancy. So we prepared for Isaac to be whisked away at birth, and I waited on Victoria hand and foot while she moved as little as possible, trying as hard as we could to keep and prolong the pregnancy.
